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one hour session

$75 - $200



Behavior & Conditioning


What most people do not understand is that "behavior" is "conditioned".  Conditioned means molded, shaped, trained to be that way. Ignorance is the major source of "bad" conditioning in the entire world, for people as well as animals. I can help you deciper this mysterious language gap that exists between you and your pets. Better conditioning, better behavior, and you will actually understand how it works.


Realize that usually this conditioning comes from YOU.

You must be willing to hear that, AND be willing to understand it so that you can choose a different way to do things that makes life with your animal happier and healthier!

Difficult Dogs

Home Grooming

Grooming Lessons

Matted Dogs

Scared Dogs

Bad Dogs



Biting Dogs


Crazy Dogs

Hyper Dogs

Aggressive Dogs

Uncontrollable Dogs

New Dogs

Sick Dogs

Afraid of the Groomer

Afraid of the Vet

Afraid of Strangers

Afraid of Children

Afraid of Men

Afraid of Women

Afraid of Dogs

Afraid of Thunder Storms

Afraid of Noises

Bad for Nail Trimming

Bad for Brushing

Bad for Grooming

Bad for Vet

Bad for Pet Sitter

Bad for Trainer

Bad for Boarding

Bad for Walking on Leash

Cage Aggressive

Food Aggressive

Dog Aggressive




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