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If you're having that Florida Flea problem....

You are not alone!

I have some special strategies that may help.

I am as natural as I can possibly be, but sometimes you have to take drastic measures when they get out of control.

Older pets, bad skin, allergic reactions to flea meds like

Frontline, Advantage, Comfortis, Trifexis . . .

Don't like chemical flea preventatives?



Send me an email!  I hate these methods of flea control myself, so maybe I can offer a really productive solution for you.


One thing that is imperative in flea control is dedication and complete maintenance!

This means that when you treat your pets, you should also treat/wash their bedding, furniture, carpets and rugs.... Any place fleas like to hide or lay eggs!


You can give your pet a flea bath but natural flea shampoo will NOT keep fleas off.  It only kills what's on them.  If they walk right back into a carpeted living room that has not been thoroughly treated as well, the fleas will relentlessly get right back to business on your buddy!


Also important to realize is the fact that NO flea shampoo is safe for a dog's or cat's face!

And the places fleas gather at are the privates, the ears, the eyes, and the mouth.  They're attracted to the moisture.  So sometimes even the best flea shampoo won't get them all.

Flea combs, shampoos and meticulous picking  can help, but there are really no guarantees with fleas!

Difficult Dogs

Home Grooming

Grooming Lessons

Matted Dogs

Scared Dogs

Bad Dogs



Biting Dogs


Crazy Dogs

Hyper Dogs

Aggressive Dogs

Uncontrollable Dogs

New Dogs

Sick Dogs

Afraid of the Groomer

Afraid of the Vet

Afraid of Strangers

Afraid of Children

Afraid of Men

Afraid of Women

Afraid of Dogs

Afraid of Thunder Storms

Afraid of Noises

Bad for Nail Trimming

Bad for Brushing

Bad for Grooming

Bad for Vet

Bad for Pet Sitter

Bad for Trainer

Bad for Boarding

Bad for Walking on Leash

Cage Aggressive

Food Aggressive

Dog Aggressive




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