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We are a consulting service only

We no longer offer any actual grooming services but do offer information.

Our specialty is "grooming therapy"...

If you just want your pet treated right from the beginning of her life-long ritual of grooming....

If your pet has had bad experiences with a groomer,  a vet, a previous owner....

If your dog is a rescue or was found on the side o'the road and just has issues....

If he won't let you brush him or clip his nails....

If he's been abused or traumatized by any situation...


If your dog won't let you touch her, for whatever reasons... Then how can you take care of her?

The average groomer does NOT do any type of grooming therapy - they don't have time for that.  And rushing a scared animal with issues thru a groom only makes them worse!  I can offer you strategies for that animal, to use at home, so that the foundation can be stabilized, and THEN they can learn to deal with all those strangers outside the home.


The theme is rock n roll because that's how it's done.

No nonsense and maybe a bit rebellious sometimes.  Willing to go "outside the box".

Deep passion for helping animals.  Creative skill and precision.

I don't answer to some corporation OR fit into some frilly "doggy in the window" scenery.

Sometimes they just need to sit in a quiet room.  Sometimes they need to understand that "resistance is futile" and that there are "good humans" who won't back down, and won't hurt them or "punish" them for being a scared dog.

People are often amazed at what I can do.  It's just simply understanding from a new perspective.


Understanding & respect for the elder & disabled pet... Lots of zen energies.

Check out the Service Buttons to the left and explore all the info...

If you don't see what you need help with listed, send me some fan mail and I'll see what I can do to help.


I DO NOT require proof of vaccinations.


I DO accept tips for all services.


I DO offer payment plans.


This is not a business, it's a service.

We reserve the right to decline service to anyone at anytime for any reason. Usually those reasons would be 1.) Safety and 2.) The animal's health.  Iknow our limits!  Iam not invincible, I'm not a doctor, and I do not know everything. 




There is none.


No Excuses.     No Apologies.     Help is here....


This is reality.  If you don't experience some beneficial results then move on.  


This is actually BETTER than a guarantee... It's the truth.

Bottom Line

Bottom Line


The bottom line is this....  I want to HELP you.

Share your situation.  You never know what I may be able to do for you.

If I was in it for the money my prices would be much higher.

If you have budget issues but your pet is suffering, send me an email!  

I'll help you

It's what I do.


My Thoughts About Vaccinations


I do not discriminate.  If your pet is not current on their vaccinations  for whatever reason...

If you have made a conscientous choice to NOT vaccinate your pet...

If you haven't had time to go to the vet...

If you haven't had money to go to the vet...

It makes no difference to me.


What  does make a difference is that your pet is in obvious good care.  I am not a vet!  I do not diagnose or treat illness! But I have worked with animals long enough that I can usually recognize when a pet is too ill, or is contagious, and should receive other care before I advise you.


Corporate salons such as Petco and Petsmart require at least a rabies vaccine before they will make an appointment, as well as some private salons. I'm sure most trainers have the same policy.


Honestly, I have done my own research and don't really like vaccinations period. But YOU must do your own due diligence, your own research, and follow your own heart about such matters. Just because I'm convinced doesn't mean I'm right by anyone's standard but my own.


I feel very strongly that the entire veterinary industry is about fear, misinformation, manipulation, and control in order to harvest money.

Even the bleeding-heart, animal-loving, raised-on-the-farm kids who made it thru vet school in order to "make a difference" have come out of the system completely brainwashed. They sincerely believe all the shit they tell you.

But I don't buy into the system.... Not any of it.  I don't understand going blindly thru life accepting everything you're told. The fact that students never question or stand up to information that doesn't feel right causes me to lose faith in them right out of the gate. 

If one is "gifted" then they have instincts, intuition, an inner knowing that is beyond any book learning.

This describes me more than it does any vet I've ever met.


Look at dogs today compared to when some of us were kids. They all suffer from human diseases now! That NEVER happened until they started mandatory, mass vaccinations and neutering! 

These solutions were meant to get humanity to higher understanding, but instead it became a for-profit industry that has a guaranteed success rate due to stacking the deck.

Industry owns all the scientist who write the text books and peer reviewed journals, and do all the research that is published, and make the meds and, "funds" the schools.... They own the pet industry. They guarantee you'll always need them!

Don't you find this suspicious???????


I think for myself, do my own research, and I don't play into antiquated fears based on a herd mentality! I encourage you to do the same. Again, this is why I do what I do, the way that I do it.


But you must be responsible for your own choices, in all things, including your animals!

Difficult Dogs

Home Grooming

Grooming Lessons

Matted Dogs

Scared Dogs

Bad Dogs



Biting Dogs


Crazy Dogs

Hyper Dogs

Aggressive Dogs

Uncontrollable Dogs

New Dogs

Sick Dogs

Afraid of the Groomer

Afraid of the Vet

Afraid of Strangers

Afraid of Children

Afraid of Men

Afraid of Women

Afraid of Dogs

Afraid of Thunder Storms

Afraid of Noises

Bad for Nail Trimming

Bad for Brushing

Bad for Grooming

Bad for Vet

Bad for Pet Sitter

Bad for Trainer

Bad for Boarding

Bad for Walking on Leash

Cage Aggressive

Food Aggressive

Dog Aggressive




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